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The challenge of growing out-of-the ordinary seeds can be extremely rewarding! 

Sometimes we get questions about germination, and we're happy to help! We think it's wonderful that gardeners are looking to do a great job caring for their seeds!Germinating Seed

Some of our seeds can simply be planted and grow quickly, and others need some extra TLC. We put easy to follow growing information both on the product page, and also directly on the seed packages!

Here are the basics:

We recommend using a sterile seed-start mix or other sterile soil mix, as it is free of fungus and contaminants that can harm fragile seedlings. This seed-start mix is also free of weed seeds (unlike garden soil), so when something grows you will know that it is the seeds that you planted.

Have a growing container that has holes in the bottom for drainage. This helps prevent seedlings from sitting in too much moisture and rotting (when young seedlings suddenly fall over and parish).

Never let the soil completely dry out while the seeds are germinating. This can end the germination process.

If your seeds need any additional special care, it will be listed in the germination information. Some seeds may need: 

  • A cold treatment after planting (especially important for most cold-hardy species).
  • Warm temperatures or heating mat
  • Light or darkness required for germination
  • Soaking seeds before germination
  • Manual scarification of the seeds
  • An extended period of time before germination
  • A special soil mix (other than standard seed-start mix)

    Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, as we are always happy to help!

  • The Ferri Seeds Team